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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Coming Soon!

I've enjoyed looking at everyones blogs and seeing how big all of the kids are getting and just what everyone has been up to. I really want to get one going for Joey and I, but I'm needing a program for my computer so I can start putting all of our pictures on here. I told Joey that is one thing I want for Christmas is a photoshop program. So maybe by next year we will have a blog up and running. Love you all and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


Amelia Lewis said...

I'm so pumped that you are going to be a blogger! I love it! Love you Tons!

ALL ABOUT US said...

YAY I totally love that you are blogging I LOVE it and I guarentee you will too!!

Jillian said...

I absolutely love your winter pics... you are gorgeous! I will for sure let you know when I have the baby, hopefully it is soon, I am really anxious... I love ya tons and can't wait to see you soon! You will have to come over to my house when I get home from the hospital, but don't worry we won't forget to call you when she arrives!!