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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jayden 1 MONTH

Jayden 1 month.

I can't believe that it's already been 1 month since my WILD and EVENTFUL experience and my life becoming so much better =} I honestly can't imagine my life without this sweet baby boy, we love him so much. Here are a few things I'm loving about Jayden so far:

1. He only wakes up one time during the night at about 3:00am and doesn't wake up again until 6:00am
2. He is really starting to smile so much more and can react to his daddy and I.
3. I love when he coos and starts telling Joey and I stories.. it really is the cutest thing.
4. I love how wild and crazy he gets with his arms.. he loves to move them all around.
5. He loves to just lay on his back and stretch. But you have to be in his sight or he thinks he is being ignored. (oops.. we might already have him spoiled, hehe)
6. He loves his binky. (props for mom =})
7. He loves going for drives but hates his carseat. As long as were going he's okay with it.
8. He is honestly just a good all around baby!

We love you Jayden!!

1 comment:

Veronica and TJ said...

He is super cute! I love that our babies are so close in age. Asay loves rides too and also dislikes her carseat:) I don't know when we will be in Vernal again but I will let you know. Hopefully it will work out that we can go to lunch:)