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Sunday, October 17, 2010

7 MONTHS....

Here is Jayden at 7 months =}
I know I say this all of the time but honestly we love this little boy more then you will ever know. He is so AMAZING and so much FUN! He is learning so much and catching on to everything around him =} He is getting so big! at 7 months Jayden weighs 24 lbs. 12 oz. hahaha he is such a chunk-a-monk and that's pretty much what all of his little cousins call him, haha we love it!

I know I posted a lot of pics but I couldn't decided.. I just love him so much!


Veronica and TJ said...

He is so freaking cute! I am jealous he has enough hair to do something with it. Asay is still just a fuzz ball.

Markelle said...

oh my goshh, that kid is adorable!